News Story Intro In Journalism Jargon

News story intro in journalism jargon – In the realm of journalism, the news story intro serves as a critical gateway, capturing readers’ attention and setting the stage for an enthralling narrative. Employing the distinctive jargon of the craft, this introduction weaves together a tapestry of detail, originality, and authority, inviting readers to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.

The lead paragraph, the cornerstone of the intro, skillfully employs the “5 Ws” (who, what, when, where, why) to establish the essential context and intrigue readers. This carefully crafted introduction not only provides a glimpse into the story’s core but also establishes the writer’s credibility and sets the tone for the narrative that unfolds.

Headline Writing


Crafting compelling headlines is crucial for capturing attention and conveying the essence of a news story. They should be concise, informative, and impactful.

Types of headlines include declarative (stating a fact), interrogative (posing a question), and quote-based (using a direct quote). Strong headlines often use active verbs, numbers, and specific details.

Example, News story intro in journalism jargon

Headline:“Wildfires Ravage California, Destroying Thousands of Acres”

Analysis:This headline effectively conveys the severity and impact of the wildfires using strong verbs (“ravage” and “destroy”) and specific numbers (“thousands of acres”).

Lead Paragraph Construction: News Story Intro In Journalism Jargon


The lead paragraph introduces the news story and sets the context. It should provide the “5 Ws” (who, what, when, where, why) and establish the main focus of the story.

Key elements include a strong hook (attention-grabbing sentence), a summary of the main event, and background information if necessary.

Example, News story intro in journalism jargon

Lead Paragraph:“A massive earthquake struck Tokyo early this morning, causing widespread damage and leaving thousands homeless. The magnitude 8.0 quake struck at 5:30 am local time, centered about 50 miles offshore.”

Analysis:This lead paragraph provides all the essential information (who, what, when, where, why) and establishes the severity of the event with specific details (magnitude, time, location).

News Story Structure

News stories are typically organized in an inverted pyramid structure, with the most important information presented first.

Subheadings, bullet points, and blockquotes can be used to enhance readability and break up text. Bullet points should be used for lists of related items, while blockquotes are used to highlight important quotes or statements.

Example, News story intro in journalism jargon

Subheading:“Extent of Damage” Bullet Points:

  • Hundreds of buildings collapsed or damaged
  • Major transportation routes blocked
  • Power and water outages widespread

Blockquote:“We have never seen anything like this before. The city is in ruins,” said Tokyo Mayor Yuriko Koike.

Attribution and Credibility

News story intro in journalism jargon

Attributing information to reliable sources is essential for maintaining credibility. Direct quotes, paraphrasing, and summarizing are all acceptable methods of attribution.

Proper attribution ensures that the reader knows the source of the information and can judge its reliability.

Example, News story intro in journalism jargon

Direct Quote:“The earthquake was the strongest to hit Tokyo in over a century,” said seismologist Dr. Kenji Satake.

Paraphrase:According to seismologist Dr. Kenji Satake, the earthquake was the most powerful to hit Tokyo in more than 100 years.

Summary:Seismologists have stated that the earthquake was the strongest to hit Tokyo in over a century.

Writing Style and Tone

News story intro in journalism jargon

News stories should be written in a concise, objective, and unbiased tone. Active voice, specific language, and avoiding jargon are important.

Objectivity means presenting facts without personal opinions or bias. Inflammatory language, stereotypes, and generalizations should be avoided.

Example, News story intro in journalism jargon

Objective:“The earthquake caused widespread damage and loss of life.” Subjective:“The earthquake was a disaster that will forever scar Tokyo.”

Active Voice:“The government is providing aid to the victims.” Passive Voice:“Aid is being provided to the victims by the government.”


What is the primary purpose of a news story intro?

The news story intro serves to capture readers’ attention, establish the context, and set the tone for the narrative that follows.

What are the key elements of an effective lead paragraph?

An effective lead paragraph utilizes the “5 Ws” (who, what, when, where, why) to provide essential context and intrigue readers.

How does the news story intro contribute to the credibility of the article?

By providing accurate and concise information, the news story intro establishes the writer’s credibility and builds trust with readers.